faith in humanity

orca love

人間有情,動物界也有情!在南非的伊麗沙伯港有一條天生殘障的殺人鯨,牠並沒有背鰭和右邊胸鰭,令行動速度和捕獵能力都受影響。 不過牠並沒有因此而被淘汰,全賴牠的同伴輪流為牠找食物和加以保護。 事實證明殺人鯨不是單單的獵食者,在其族群的架構中,也有著要保護弱小的觀念!

Faith in humanity restored? That happens too in the animal world! At Port Elizabeth in South Africa there is a handicapped killer whale, it was born without its right chest fin and back fin which greatly affected its movement speed and hunting ability. Despite that, it survived the cruel world of nature with the help of his friends; other killer whales gathered food for him and protected him from dangers. Killer whales are not just predators, but a community with compassion and one that take care for the weak.

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